Source code for
You should not make an instance of the FragmentContext class yourself, rather you should only
get instances through :meth:``
>>> async with client.writer.fragment() as stream:
... stream.send('Hello ')
... stream.send("World!")
import asyncio
import logging
from ..enums import DataType
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class FragmentContext:
"""A context manager that can send fragments to a client."""
class Break(Exception):
def __init__(self, writer, loop):
self.loop = loop
self.writer = writer
self.data_type = None
self.previous_fragment = None # We need to track this so that we can set the fin bit on the last fragment.
self.push_task = None
self.first_write = True
async def _push(self, fragment, fin=False):
if self.push_task is not None and not self.push_task.done():
await self.push_task
self.push_task = asyncio.ensure_future(self._write(fragment, fin), loop=self.loop)
async def _write(self, fragment, fin):
op_code = 0
if self.first_write:
logger.debug(f"Start fragment _write: fin = {fin}")
op_code = self.data_type.value
self.first_write = False
logger.debug(f"Fragment continuation _write: fin = {fin}")
self.writer.write_frame((op_code | fin << 7).to_bytes(1, 'big'), fragment, len(fragment))
await self.writer.writer.drain()
[docs] async def send(self, data, force=False):
"""Que a message to be sent.
:param data: The data you with to send, must be either :class:`str` or :class:`bytes`.
:type data: either str or bytes
:param force: If true send message even if the connection is closing e.g. we got valid message after having previously been sent a close frame from the client or after having received invalid frame(s)
:type force: bool
if not self.writer.ensure_open(force):
raise self.Break
if self.data_type is None:
if isinstance(data, str):
self.data_type = DataType.TEXT
self.data_type = DataType.BINARY
if self.previous_fragment is not None:
await self._push(self.previous_fragment)
logger.debug("Queuing fragment")
self.previous_fragment = data
async def finish_send(self):
if self.previous_fragment is not None:
await self._push(self.previous_fragment, fin=True)
await self.push_task
async def __aenter__(self):
"""Enter the context manager"""
await self.writer.write_lock
return self
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
"""Exit the context manager"""
if exc_type == self.Break:
return True
await self.finish_send()