Source code for websocket.enums
from enum import Enum, auto
[docs]class State(Enum):
"""Enum containing the different states an connection may be in."""
"""The connection is in the connecting state, this is before the handshake is complete."""
OPEN = auto()
"""The connection has completed handshake successfully."""
CLOSING = auto()
"""The connection is going down."""
[docs]class DataType(Enum):
"""Enum of all frame operation codes"""
NONE = -1
"""No data type"""
"""Continuation frame"""
TEXT = 0x1
"""Text data frame"""
BINARY = 0x2
"""Binary data frame"""
CLOSE = 0x8
"""Close control frame"""
PING = 0x9
"""Ping control frame"""
PONG = 0xA
"""Pong control frame"""
def header(self, flags):
return (self.value | flags << 4).to_bytes(1, 'big')